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My Budget Breakdown (For The First Time!)

  July 15

It’s kind of hard to believe that I’ve never really shared a budget breakdown on this blog. I guess I’ve been comfortable telling you about all of my money mistakes and my credit card debt (that I eventually paid off.) I’ve even blabbed about the six figure student loan debt that the hubs and I … Continued

5 Tips for Newlyweds to Create a Strong Financial Future

  June 27

The following is a guest post. To submit a guest post idea to Budget Blonde, please e-mail Cat Budget Blonde com. Editor’s Note: June is wedding season, y’all, and that means lots of couples will be tying the knot, taking their honeymoons, and trying to get through that first year of marriage! I’ve … Continued

How to Avoid the Quarter Life Crisis

  June 17

Have you ever heard of the quarter life crisis? Or, are your currently experiencing a quarter life crisis and wondering how to get out of it? Don’t worry; there is an end to the madness, and the secret for getting through it is right here in this post! First, for those not in the know, … Continued

How To Be Self-Sufficient: A Comprehensive A-Z Financial Checklist

  March 5

Behold, my ABC’s of Financial Stability. 🙂 A… Always check your bank account. Every day. No matter what. It’s important to know how much you have and make sure no one has made any false charges. B… Be confident in your decisions. Turning down vacations, nice dinners, and cute jeans on sale is hard, but … Continued

Seven Days, Two Bloggers, & One Goal To Track It All

  February 5

One of the reasons I love blogging so much is the awesome people I meet through it. I mean, I can’t be the only one who wishes their blog friends lived in the same city, right? Well, just recently, I started chatting with the lovely Jessica Lawlor on Twitter. She found me through Carrie and was … Continued

The Truth About Side Hustling

  January 21

You know what side hustling is – all those jobs people do to make money on the side like babysitting, coaching, selling on eBay, or in my case, writing for other blogs. I’ve noticed lately that there are a few misconceptions about side hustling or getting jobs in general. So, I’ve decided to write a … Continued

Being Charitable This Christmas

  December 13

Well, blog peeps, the days until Christmas are dwindling, so I thought it would be a good time to talk about some causes that the hubs and I have been fortunate to donate to during this season of giving. We are by no means big spenders when it comes to donating money, so please don’t … Continued

Being On A Budget Doesn’t Mean You’re Poor

  November 19

Can I ask you a question? Why do so many people think that being on a budget means being poor? I’ve had many people comment about my frugality. Mostly it’s in a positive way like, “Ask Cat. She’s good with money.” However, there are times when I feel as though people are a bit weirded … Continued

Beauty or Bucks? How I Slashed Thousands in Beauty Costs

  November 5

Ladies, we go through great lengths for beauty, don’t we? And men, I know this baffles you. Men, you probably wonder why it’s so integral we get our nails done, and women, well, you understand why. Simply put, being pampered makes us feel beautiful. It’s no wonder that women across the country who can’t pay … Continued

You Won A Million Bucks. Now What?

  October 31

What would you do if you won a million dollars? Well, that’s the fun question that Lance at the blog Money Life & More posed to his readers not too long ago. Of course, I absolutely love to think about this stuff, so I’m happy to oblige. But first, let’s set the scene: Imagine me completely freaking … Continued
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