I’ve been trying to figure out how I’m going to tell all of you about the last few weeks, because they’ve been the most terrifying, exciting, and most uncertain weeks of my entire life.
But first let’s start with the news…
I’m pregnant! 🙂
And, if the title of this post gives you any indication of how pregnant I am, here’s another piece of news:
There are TWO buns in my oven!
Oh yes, blog peeps, it’s TWINS!
The Hubs’ Prediction
Ever since we removed the goalie, the hubs has been teasing me about twins. Any time we’d talk about having a baby, the hubs would say “or babies!” Then, while he was studying medicine abroad in India this past summer, the first delivery he saw (and the first delivery he’s ever seen!) was a c-section for twins. And then he saw another one. He called me and said, “Hey, maybe it’s a sign!” Then, he sat behind boy twins on the long flight home from India. To top it off, I also have two sets of twins in the class I am teaching right now. I’ve taught hundreds of students in Grenada, and I’ve never taught twins until now. (Oh yeah, I teach English at the university here – don’t know if I’ve ever mentioned that before!) 🙂
Anyway, looking back, all the signs that this was going to happen were there. Hubs kept noticing them, and I kept saying he was crazy.
We ended up getting pregnant right when he returned home from his trip, and when we went for our first ultrasound, there they were – two little dots, our babies, just as the hubs said. 🙂 The ultrasound tech moved the probe over my stomach, and I saw them instantly. He kind of paused, then went back as if he had to make sure, and asked me the question I’ll never forget: “So, do twins run in your family?”
I responded with a very classy, “Holy Shit!” And then I proceeded to say that unladylike phrase about 20 more times throughout the session. I was floored.
Of course, even though I was shocked, in some weird way, the hubs was not surprised at all. He just smiled and said, “I told you!”
The First Few Weeks
I can’t even convey what it feels like to get that sort of news. It’s such a mixture of fear, excitement, shock, and love that’s truly overwhelming. The biggest hurdle was that I was only 5 weeks pregnant when we found out about the twins.
Because it was so early, the ultrasound tech told us not to get excited or tell anyone since there was a high chance one of them could miscarry or that one of the sacs was empty. Apparently this happens a lot, and it’s one of the negatives of getting such an early ultrasound (My cousin had twins and didn’t know she had two until they did a gender check. So, we had the fortune and the misfortune of knowing about the possibility very, very early.)
At the end of that first ultrasound, the tech told us to come back in a week, and at that appointment, he’d let us know if we had two viable embryos or if one reabsorbed. Until then, he said, don’t get attached to the idea, which of course we did.
The Longest Week Ever
When I tell you that was the longest week of my life, I really mean it. The hubs and I could barely function. We were so worried that we would lose one or both of the babies. We didn’t know we were going to have two of them, but once we saw both of those little dots, we’ve never wanted something so badly in all our lives.
We didn’t sleep well and we didn’t do our work that well and in general we were just sick. The hubs found me sitting on the floor of the shower just sobbing the first night we found out completely freaking out. It was just really emotional and overwhelming, and I had so much hope and so much fear all at the same time.
The hubs was so sweet and reassuring, telling me we could do anything, telling me they were both going to live, that they were both going to be fine. He listed all the things we’ve done together, everything we’ve conquered that was difficult. He said, “We moved to Grenada, you dealt with Hurricane Katrina, I’ve made it through two years of medical school, you started a business, and things have worked out. This will too.”
We’re So Lucky
When we went to our second ultrasound a week later, you could totally feel the anxiety just oozing out of both of us. We had no idea what kind of news we were going to get, but we were more than ready to find out.
Right away, the ultrasound tech got a strong heartbeat from Baby A. It took mere seconds to find it. Once that relief set in, he went looking for Baby B. It literally felt like it was taking forever, and I got increasingly worried. The tech looked kind of somber and said, “It might take another week before we can hear Baby B’s heartbeat. It’s still really early, but it doesn’t mean that the baby is not okay.” I starting crying, and I guess my tears prompted him to search just a little more, and not two seconds later, Baby B’s heartbeat came over the monitor loud and clear.
It was the happiest day of my life.Â
It was better than any birthday, any trip, even better than our wedding day. We practically skipped out of that ultrasound room, and I can honestly say I have never been filled with such relief, joy, and love in all my life.
Today, several weeks after those trying moments, both babies are doing so well. They still each have a strong heartbeat, and last time we saw them, they’d grown little arms and legs. 🙂
We feel like the luckiest people in the world, and we’ve been overwhelmed with the support of our family and friends.
More To Come
I’m so happy to get to finally share this news with you, and if you have any questions about our new little family, please don’t hesitate to ask. I’d love to write another post answering them so just leave them in the comments below! You can even make predictions and let us know if you think we’ll have two boys, two girls, or one of each!
My one request is to please post positive comments (no scary twin or pregnancy or “parenting is awful” type stories) We’re trying hard to keep things light and happy around here! Also, if you’ve thought I was oddly quiet in the blogosphere lately or not as communicative, now you know why! Hope you forgive me. 😉
Aw I love this post! I am so excited that the news it out 🙂 I can’t tell you enough how excited I am for you! I cannot wait to spoil those two sweet babies. I also cannot wait to find out what they are :))))))) I love you and miss you so much!!!
Thank you so much! I can’t wait to see you and for you to meet them!
WOW, congratulations! Really happy for you, hope all goes smoothly now.
Thanks so much, Pauline!
CONGRATULATIONS AGAIN. (Also, I like how our comments were so similar. I would have dropped a shit bomb, but didn’t think you’d like it on your facebook wall, lol.)
Haha, too funny. Normally I don’t say it too much, but ya know, some situations just call for it!!! 😉
Congratulations Cat! That’s such amazing news, and I’m so so happy for the two of you. And your husband is right, the two of you can absolutely handle this!!
Thanks! We’re ready for the challenge!!
Wow! What amazing news! Congratulations! Way to GO FOR THE GOLD!
You have so many life transitions on the horizon – I’m looking forward to seeing your story unfold!
Also, I love the turn of phrase “we removed the goalie!”
Haha yes you are right about the transitions!! It’s going to be quite the eventful next few months, but we are up for the challenge. And LOL about the goalie! My coworker told me she’d never heard the phrase before. 😀
Yay! Early ultrasounds are evil, I dont believe they are good for anyone! Ignorance is bliss, as they say. I went for an ultrasound early and ended up grieving for a loss that never happened! Pregnancy is all about waiting and accepting things out of your control 🙂 Will you be in grenada for the birth or ny? I am excited for you!
So sorry to hear about your bad experience! It was definitely a blessing and a curse. Oh and great question! We’ll actually be home in Louisiana for the birth of these little beans! I will elaborate in a future post. 😀
We’re so happy for y’all,and your family! Looks like you’ll never run dry on blogging topics!!
Haha so true – the ultimate budget challenge!
Well, you already know what I think – but I’ll say it again – Congrats!!! 🙂 I loved your response as that was VERY similar to the one I had when my wife told me that she was pregnant again the first month she could’ve been after having our first child. You’re going to love it Cat!
Haha that’s too funny! And thanks! My husband asked if I was sure I wanted to include my reaction in this post and I said well yeah! That’s how it happened, lol! Gotta keep it real. 😉
Well DOUBLE the congratulations to you! I am a TWIN myself and it is the most amazing thing in the world. I’d love to have twins someday. I’m so excited to hear about this new journey. Our first little one is due on Christmas Day and it couldn’t come soon enough. 🙂
That’s sooo cool Jaclyn!! I love hearing positive things about twins! Congratulations on your little one on the way too! A Christmas Day baby – how fun!
Congrats, Cat!!! I’m so excited for you! I hope to meet the whole fam when you’re back in the States!
Thanks I hope you do too!
AWESOME!!! Congratulations…you are about to embark on the most exciting adventure of your life!
I will tell that you will hold your breath at every. single. visit. until you hear each heartbeat. That doesn’t change…and the moment you hear them your heart will do little backflips!
Enjoy the experience and stock your freezer with make ahead meals…trust me!
Thank you soo very much! Glad I’m not the only one that has a little bit of anxiety every ultrasound. And great tip about the freezer meals! I am so on it! 🙂
Congrats! That’s so exciting! Hope everything is smooth sailing from here on out!
Thanks girl me too!!!
Cat, I’m so THRILLED for both of you! As you know, my twin niece and nephew were a godsend, and to this day they are little bundles of joy. Your twins will be double the fun and excitement for you too — I know you will be a great mom! So happy for you and the Hubs!
Thank you so much Carrie! We can’t wait to meet them!!
Wow Cat!!! I am soooooo happy for you friend 🙂 Double the congratulations!! You are going to be such a great mama. Somehow I just know 😉
Thanks so much Wendy!!! That is so sweet!!
Congrats, I’m very happy for you. Can’t wait to hear more!
Thank you so much!! I will definitely keep yall updated on this crazy adventure. 😉
YAy! I’m so glad that you are telling everyone because this is possibly the hugest secret that I have had to keep 🙂
Congrats! 🙂
Haha you are a good secret keeper!!! 😀
SO excited for you both. Twins are such an amazing blessing and I couldn’t imagine having it any other way. I truly love having twins, and I’m sure that you will too. Congratulations and hope you are feeling good, because you look fabulous!
Thank you so much Beth! That is so nice!
Oh my gosh, Cat! Congrats! This makes it official – two of my favorite blog writers are both preggers with twins and both living in Grenada at the same time. (Maybe there’s an additive in the water?)
If you’ve never read it, check out some of the recent posts on windtraveler.net (they’re a sailing blog, not PF), but I think she’s now in her second trimester with twins. I think she called it a “twincident”. =)
No way!!! That is so cool. Definitely doing to check it out now and ask what kind of water she drinks hahaha!
Woo hoo! Thanks!!
Congrats on the huge announcement! You both will be great parents I am sure!
Aw thanks so much Lance! I hope so haha!
Congratulations! I have this theory that twins are smarter than average kids because they have someone to process the world with as they grow.
I love that theory! 😉
Just amazing! You two are truly blessed! Congratulations Cat, you are going to have a blast! So happy for you two 🙂
Awww thanks so much Jake! We are so excited!
CONGRATS!!!!! Babies are soooo beautiful, and you are going to be SUCH a great mommy to them!!! They’ll then take over your blogging empire one day and carry on the good word! 🙂
Haha I love it. Baby bloggers all the way!
Congrats!! What exciting news!!
Woo hoo! Thank you soo much. We are stoked. 😀
Congratulations Cat!!! I’m so happy for you. I can’t wait for you to get back stateside so I can come visit 🙂
Thank you so much! I would love to see you!
I nearly teared up while reading this, Cat! I am sooooooo excited for you! I have a million questions running through my own head now, so I can only imagine what you’re going through. Will you be coming home sooner? Is NY out of the question now? Etc. etc. etc. Ahhh, just so happy to read this exciting news. Thanks for sharing it with us, Cat. Can’t wait to read more about this little (BIG) update soon 🙂
Aww thank you so much!!! All of these are good questions! I promise to answer them soon. 😀
Congratulations, Cat!! Oh my goodness, talk about self-fulfilling prophesies from your hubs!! My friend is having twins, as well (boy and a girl), and everyone in the group is so happy for her! Your story was a lot different than hers when she found out – when it was announced at the ultrasound, her hubby responded, “are you sure? Nah… maybe it’s how you’re holding the wand or something?” lol She said she’s pretty sure considering she’s a professional and all, but now both of them are elated as both of you are. 🙂 Congrats, this is so exciting!!
Hahaha that is too funny about your friend’s hubby! I can totally relate. It’s really hard to believe if you’re not expecting it!
OMG! OMG! Cat!! I am so thrilled for you and your husband!!! You two are going to make fabulous parents to TWINS!!! WOW! What an amazing blessing for the both of you and as your husband said – the signs were all there! When my husband and I first got married, we did not plan to become parents but over time our feeling obviously changed. I will tell you that holding my daughter in my arms and seeing her for the first time was the happiest moment of my life. I can’t wait for you to meet your BABIES face-to-face. I am so excited for the both you and can’t wait for you to experience motherhood in all it’s wonderful glory!!
Thank you sooo much Shannon!! I will definitely have some questions for you along the way since you are my go-to gal for teaching kids about money! 😀
Congrats Cat! Of course, I am super excited for you. I know you have been going through some rough morning sickness, but it shall pass eventually. Good luck with everything and let me know if you ever need an help to keep your business running smoothly.
Thank you so much for the support Grayson! Yeah the fatigue and morning sickness really threw me off my game, but I am feeling MUCH better the past few days! 😀
Whoohooo! That’s the very best news. Congratulations!
I predict two boys. And I predict they will both be star basketball players, using their crazy-twinsie-in-tuneness to be the best guard tandem in the state. Full rides to college, naturally.
I like the part about the full rides to college haha!! Let’s hope for that!!!
My word! Congratulations! That’s terrific news
Thank you so very much! 😀
Congrats Cat! Glad everyone is safe and well. What a life changer! Even more motivation to rock it.
Wishing you the best.
Thanks Sam!!! Motivation indeed!! The thought of kiddos has been in the back of my mind during this freelance-building time. — I just didn’t know I’d get two at once, haha. Going to be quite the ride!
Aww, congratulations Cat! This is such amazing news! If I were going to have twins, I would be secretly hoping for one of each, I think 😛 Take good care of yourself! xo
Haha I know, right? That would be amazing to have one of each. That has been a lot of my family members’ guesses so far!
Wow, a huge double congratulations to you! It’s so funny that all those signs were there, pointing in this direction for such a long time. Best wishes for a joyous and healthy pregnancy and for your two new additions!
Thank you Alicia!! I know! It’s crazy about all the signs and even crazier how I completely ignored them lol!!!
Wow! What a happy story! It’s so cool to hear how excited you are about having twins. It’s going to be challenging for sure, but this is one of those things that very very few people get to experience and I’m sure you guys will absolutely love it. The coolest thing about twins (at least I think from having absolutely 0 experience) will be watching their relationship develop. Watching play, connect, and figure things out together is going to be so much fun. I’m really happy for you and can’t wait to hear all about it as you go along. Good luck!
Thanks!! We really are excited. I couldn’t agree more. I’ve talked to a few friends of mine who are twins and they all just love it so much. I’m so happy they will have a built in best friend for life!
Congrats Cat. I’m so happy for you, I think you are going to be an awesome mom!
Awww thanks Nick! That is seriously the nicest thing anyone can say to me right now amid the craziness!
Congrats again, lady :). I’m sure you will be an absolutely fabulous mom!
Thank you so much Erin! I can’t wait!
Ahh, what incredible news!! Congratulations! That’s so weird and cool that your husband kept seeing signs pointing toward twins, and that’s what you ended up with! You guys are going to be an amazing family, I just know it =).
Haha I know. I think he did some weird voo doo on me. 😉 Thank you so much!
What a lovely post to wake up to! Congratulations on the twins. It’ll be double the fun having them around. And you’ll have plenty of blog topics now! 🙂
Aww thank you SO much Nell!!! I really appreciate that. And yes, we have a lot of budgeting stuff to figure out haha. Should be interesting!
CONGRATULATIONS. I’m so happy to hear that you and BOTH babies are healthy. What an exciting journey you’ve got ahead of you. Looking forward to reading all about it 🙂
Aw thank you Stefanie!! 🙂
wow wow wow! congratulations you guys!!!
Thank you so much! We are so stoked!!
As a father of four that has been through all this, I know the emotions you are dealing with. (Well, Mrs. Luke1428 would know a little better.) So excited for the both of you! Will be praying for an uneventful pregnancy and healthy children to come. Big congrats Cat!
Ah thank you sooo much! We need all the prayers that are available. I appreciate it so much! 🙂
Congratulations to you and your family Cat!
Thank you so very much, Blair!!!
AHHHHH this is the best post I’ve read in forever! I love this news! Before we found out we were only having one we’d joke about twins and say we’d pick our favorite and return the other haha. Ridiculously excited for you. I totally understand the stress and excitement you’re going through I had a very stressful pregnancy (ending in a c/sec) you will keep counting down to the next ‘milestone’ and not breath a sign of relief until they’re in your arms.
Congrats again Cat!!
Ps- I used the term ”pull the goalie” too, how very Canadian of you 😉
Haha thank you soooo much!! If these kids are even half as cute as yours, I will consider us very lucky!! 😉
Congrats! That is great news!
Wahoo! Thanks so much! 😀
This is definitely the best 2-4-1 deal I’ve ever heard about!! When the facebook announcement finally registered (which didn’t happen until you messaged me back), my next thought was wondering how you’d announce it on the blog! As a twin myself, I vote for a boy/girl set!!
Haha you are not the only one that is voting that!
I LOVE babies!! Congratulations. If you decide to stay in Grenada for a month after the babies’ arrival I would come down and help. Again, inviting myself to your island paradise 🙂
Haha girl you have to come on down!! They will be born in the US though but don’t be a stranger. 😉
Yay! Congrats, I’m so happy for both of you, that’s such wonderful news. Two little babies, what a blessing. Bf has successfully guessed the sexes of my sisters’ kids. I’ll have to ask him for his “professional” opinion and get back to you 🙂
Oh yes please do! We need some good guesses. 😀
I still think you had twins so that you could write articles about it 🙂
Hahaha how did you knowwww?
Wow! Congratulations! You are going to be so strong from carrying two munchkins! I can’t believe how strong some of my friends are in their arms from picking up their kids all day, and they’re different ages.
Best of luck with the pregnancy!
You were after questions: does the timing work okay for when you two will be moving around and between school/jobs? Are you planning to work while you’re pregnant? (I guess my ideas on mat leave are clouded by Canadian lengths though.) Will the twins affect where you plan to live anymore?
Haha thanks so much Anne!! Ooh, all good questions! I will definitely answer all of them in a future post. 🙂
So excited for you guys, Cat! Definitely looking forward to tons and tons of parenting+finance, or just parenting, posts 😉
Yay! Thanks DC!!
Congrats! That’s extremely exciting news and I am really happy to hear that everything is OK. These very early ultrasounds do have the habit of scaring the s**t out of people: my wife recently gave birth to an adorable son and when she first went for an ultrasound, also very early, they could barely spot the heartbeat and told us that the baby might not make it. For us too it was the most stressful week ever, but now we have a healthy, beautiful and happy three months old. So don’t worry and always stay positive – as your husband says, everything will be OK!
Oh my gosh C! I’m so sorry yall had to go through that. You would think these techs would have learned a bit of empathy after dealing with so many patients!!
We go pregnant in May (our trip to Crotia) and I was 4 weeks pregnant when I got the first ultrasound. I’m 22 weeks now. We wanted a girl (and only one kid) and it worked nice for us. Can’t wait to hear in 2 months what gender they are. Make sure you take care of yourself and congratulations 🙂
That’s so great that it worked out for yall!!! We can’t wait to find out either! We’ll def. share the news!!
Wow!! This is amazing news, CONGRATULATIONS!! I wish the best for you and your family 🙂
I’m guessing a boy and a girl!! I can’t wait to read your follow up.
That would be so cool if they are one of each!! 😀 Thanks so much!
Congratulations!!! That is awesome news. So happy for you!!! After you have them you’ll wonder how you ever lived without them. Having your own kids is no lie the best feeling in the world. I wish you the best of luck and a smooth pregnancy!
Thank you sooo much Alexa! I have heard that from so many people! I can’t wait! 🙂
Kids are absolutely the best Cat, congratulations!
Thanks so much! We can’t wait!
Congrats! So happy for you guys. My wife and I have a 3 month old…it’s a lot of work but so worth it! Can’t wait to hear more.
Aw thanks Andrew!! Congrats on your new little one!
Congrats Cat!!! That is so exciting and I’m so happy to hear this news! Having babies is truly life changing and it will be the greatest moment of your life when you meet your children for the first time! As a mom of only boys I hope that at least one of your babies is a boy – they truly love their mamas. 🙂 But I really just hope that you have two healthy babies! My predication is that you’ll have one of each! 🙂
Aw thanks! I really have heard the best things about boys!! 🙂
Congratulations! Such a sweet story! I predict you’ll have two boys!
Ha! Another vote for two boys!
Congratulations to you and your husband! My only recommendations at this time are to read “What to Expect While Your Expecting” to provide insight into your growing belly and what to expect on each visit. Some of this doctor visits are a bit uncomfortable, but you can handle it! My best wishes for a healthy and happy pregnancy!
Thanks for the support!
Congrats Cat and Hubs. Your life is about to get a lot more interesting and fun.
We went thru the same thing with our 3rd kid in 1991 but w/o any warnings since the phenomenon was new. We went thru the same extreme emotions plus we thought for sure when we lost one that we’d lose both. Turns out it wasn’t any big deal and we never would have known we started with 2 if not for that early ultrasound (No early ultrasound for the first two kids). After delivery, the OB searched for quite a while to find a quarter sized extra placenta.
I’m so sorry you had to go through that.
Congrats! That is amazing. While I bet it would have been overwhelming at first, I often wish my daughter had a twin, a built in playmate. I bet it’s a boy and a girl.
That’s a fun guess! That’s what my family thinks too!
WOW, congrats Cat! My neighbors have Twin girls – and while challenging it certainly adds a whole level of fun and excitement to being parents and life in general. The whole neighborhood has loved watching them grow up and see how much they are the same, yet different at the same time. So happy for you!
Thanks so much! Those twin girls sound so sweet!
I cannot tell you how excited I am for both of you. You have an amazing husband with drive and determination. He also has a strong faith and gentle spirit. Too often those traits don’t come together. You will both make wonderful parents.
My prediction? You will have wonderful, creative ways to save while raising kids. I can’t wait to read them!
Aw thank you so much Ashley! He’s definitely a keeper! 🙂
Congratulations! That is such exciting news! Can’t wait to read more updates about your growing family.
Thank you!!
wow CONGRATS! I just stumbled onto your blog and couldn’t stop reading! I feel the excitement for your 🙂
Aw thank you so much Taylor! Welcome! Hope you stick around! 🙂
Cat, double congratulations! I’m so happy to hear the news and look forward to more updates! BTW, I predict a boy and a girl. But, no matter what, you will clearly have your hands full haha! It’s going to be amazing!
Haha better full than empty I always say! Thanks Jessica! 🙂
I vote boy/girl! That’s what I’ve thought since the beginning. I love them already and can’t wait to meet them.
I love that vote!
Congratulations!!!!! That is such exciting news!! One of my good friends from high school recently had twins, and they’re adorable!
Aw that’s so cute! Thanks Paula!
Congratulations Cat! That’s great news. Wow twins! Exciting! Best wishes to you and your little growing family. 🙂
Thanks so much Anthony!!!
I’m late to this post but oh-so-glad I read it! Congrats!! It’s so crazy all the signs you husband saw leading up to the big news. I think that’s incredible, actually! Best wishes!!
Thank you sooo much! I know, it’s nuts that he just knew!!
Love this post!! I’m so happy for you both!!! That is amazing news, congratulations!!!!!! All the best, stay happy and healthy 🙂
Thanks Michelle!! 😀
Congrats. Double blessings, how wonderful. You are a tough one and I have no doubt that you & your hubby will be fantastic parents. I pray that your pregnancy is calm and your delivery easy.
Thank you so much!! We’re praying for the same. 🙂
Congrats! Love the precursors and your reaction to finding out! I had a similar experience…..15 years ago. (Seems like yesterday! When they say it goes by fast…it’s so true!). You describe the feeling so perfectly! I didn’t find out I was having twins until my regularly scheduled 20 week ultrasound. My doctor did the u/s and I’ll never forget her saying…”you’ve got twins.” (Just like the old aol…you’ve got mail…lol). I was like…”no, really…seriously?” I must have repeated that 10 times…couldn’t even focus on the u/s. Had all those fears you had, even though it was much later. Fortunately I had more ultrasounds which was reassuring to me every time. Biggest surprise of my entire life and what an awesome one!
I did read all the scary stories too and convinced myself that they would all happen to me. But fortunately it was my easiest pregnancy, I went 38 weeks and 3 days, had to be induced but 5 hours later, baby a arrived, followed 8 minutes later by baby b. 6.9 lbs and 5.11 lbs. identical boys :-). Which made me the mother of 4 boys! (Someday, not to soon…I better get at least one granddaughter out of this deal :-). Congrats again!! It’s an amazing experience and one I feel so lucky to have had :-). (Ok…so my vote is, of course, 2 boys !)
Hey Ginni! Thanks so much! I love hearing about people going to 38+ weeks and having happy, healthy babies!! Makes this preggo so happy and hopeful!
SOOOOO happy for you guys, Cat!!! You will LOVE parenting. It truly is the best job ever, and I just know you guys are going to make awesome parents. HUGE, hugest congrats!!! 🙂
Aw thank you sooo much Laurie!!! I love that positivity!!
OMG Cat that is so exciting! I’m so happy for you! Can’t wait to hear more exciting updates about the babies. 🙂
Thanks sooo much Jordann!! 😀
This is such a great post, congrats to you and your husband. I love that he had all those signs that were there, and truthfully the more I read the post the more I believed it. I think life always gives us signs we just have to pay attention…
Can’t wait to follow you guys through your next journey 🙂
Thank you Erica! Isn’t it crazy how he knew!?
Oh my goodness- I am just catching up on blog reading from the past few weeks and this news absolutely made my day! How wonderful- congratulations! <3
OMG Cat I am soooo excited for you! Reading your posts regularly I feel like I know you so well anyway so I am really excited to hear your news! It will be the BEST time of your life. Don’t worry, even those of us who think it all through weighing up the pros and cons, nothing can REALLY prepare you for babies let alone two. Despite the massive change to your life it will be amazing. You’ll be tired-sure, but the relationships you have had will not even compare to what kind of love you will get from having children. When we had our son our relationship with each other got stronger and have a little boy just melted me… I have an article on saving $$ for babies so go over and check it out. Don’t be too concerned with all the shops selling designer gear, most of it you won’t need or use and is only more to clean. I can’t wait for some updates. 🙂 xxx
Holy piss, congrats!!! I’m so far behind with my reading/commenting, but I had seen this. SO EXCITING!!!! 🙂
I just found out we are pregnant with TWINS a few weeks ago! It’s so exciting (and scary to think about sometimes) but I’m really excited to read through your blog! I’m glad I found it 🙂