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This Is {Wherever} Wednesday Linky Party #2

  August 24

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Welcome to the SECOND “This is {Wherever} Wednesday” par-tay (my how time flies!) If you’re new to the party, this is the place where we’re getting together to appreciate the good, the bad, and the ugly about the places we live.

Last week’s party was a ton of fun. Here are some of my favorite submissions:

Summer told us all about Dallas, TX: “Every woman in the grocery store wears high heels and every piece of jewelry they own. T.I.D.”


Stephanie told us about her recent move to Nova Scotia: “People smile and nod and say ‘ah, you’re a ‘CFA” when they find out we just moved from Toronto. (CFA = Come From Away). T.I.N.S.!”

And for mine this week:

I found some mangos on the ground on the walk home and ate them. T.I.G.

My friend Kelsey and I wandered into a store having a sale and found an awesome plum branch. She convinced them to give it to us for free. T.I.G. (Or perhaps, T.I.K.&C. ‘This is Kelsey & Cat’)

I told my husband to save all the toilet paper rolls because I need them for crafts. T.I.G.

I’m still scared every time I light the stovetop with a match. T.I.G.

I walked down to the bus 5 minutes early to get to the pool but it wooshed by before I could even get to the bottom of my hill. T.I.G.

The craft store in town that Kelsey showed me was completely invisible from the street. You actually have to walk into a dentist’s office before you can see it. T.I.G.

I have lots more to share with you tomorrow including some AMAZING free finds that I discovered on the beach. I’m also hiking to a beautiful waterfall today, so tons of scenery pictures to come. Until then, have a blast linking up!


3 responses to “This Is {Wherever} Wednesday Linky Party #2

  1. They say a picture is worth a thousand words…but your words painted a picture! So fun getting the gist of what another place is like. It’s place has it’s own character…and that’s something you can’t always tell from the surface.

  2. Oh, and I know what it means from your last post…but for newcomers you might want to mention once each post what T.I.G. means. 🙂

  3. Thanks for linking to me! I’ll do mine tomorrow. Is it ok if I sometimes link up to your party on Thursdays instead of Wednesdays?

    I love the craft shop behind the dentist’s office! Too much fun.

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