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Does Summer Make You Spend More? 3 Ideas to Keep Summer Frugal

  June 11

Today’s post is by staff writer, Kayla. Summer is the time of year where I miss being a kid the most. The first summer after college graduation was the absolute worst. You see, I had grown accustomed to work full-time during the summer because that’s what I did during college to make extra money when I … Continued

Splurging & Saving: A Colonial Wedding

  October 29

I have found that people in general always have something they love to splurge on and something they love to save on, whether they are the thriftiest people ever or the biggest spenders. So, I’ve decided to start a little series of posts over here that I’ll throw on the ol’ blog every now and … Continued

Splurging & Saving: A Vintage Styled Wedding

  October 26

I have found that people in general always have something they love to splurge on and something they love to save on, whether they are the thriftiest people ever or the biggest spenders. So, I’ve decided to start a little series of posts over here that I’ll throw on the ol’ blog every now and … Continued
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