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Finding Yourself: I Was In Grenada

  August 15

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Whenever I was a child and I got grumpy, my babysitter used to say “Where’s Catherine!? I think we lost her!” Then we’d go on a hunt for “Catherine” a.k.a. me. We looked under pillows, in my bed, in my closet, under rocks… And, when I’d “find her,” the smile came back on my face and all was well again.

Well, I think I found Catherine again, only I hadn’t realized she was lost. She was buried pretty deep, and it was hard to notice her absence. In the past 6 days of living in Grenada, she and I have reunited piece by piece. I asked her where she had gone. I wanted to know how she could have let so much time go by since we’d last seen each other.

I got to thinking how I could have let this happen, and I think I know the answer. This month will mark six years since Hurricane Katrina devastated my home. Six years since one single storm drastically altered the life I knew, the life I thought I would always have. Six years since memories were washed away and six years since ideas of a future got washed away too.
Since then, good things have happened. I’ve worked extremely hard. I feel as though I’ve been successful and reached if not surpassed my potential. I met the love of my life, and I married him. I worked my first full time job. I got a master’s degree. I did the things people do when they are around 24 years young. I checked a lot of boxes. I crossed a lot of t’s and dotted lots of i’s.
But through all that, it seemed like a lot of my hard work was helping me to ignore some nagging problems –  sadness and loss from the hurricane that took my home away from me. I went to Virginia, and I spent years away from my family, trying to push out images of my parents working like dogs to try to fix our home, to fix our life. I didn’t want to think about it.
Every time I went home and visited, it hurt. It hurt my heart. It’s not just a house you lose, it’s memories. It’s not being able to get married in the church you grew up in. It’s seeing my parents’ give up their own space and their own time just to live, just to get to the next day.
For a long time, I didn’t say a word about this because people had it worse than me. People had 12 feet of water, not 8. People died. Lots of people died. I made new memories, and I had an insanely gorgeous wedding with everything I could have possibly wanted.  My family lived through it and went on to new jobs, and I met my husband. And, painful as it was – I would do it all over again just to get the chance to know him again. But, I’ve learned now that what happened did suck, and it’s okay to cry about it, even if others had it worse. Because writing and crying about it helps to heal it. At least, for me it does.

Where I’m going with this: Grenada is awesome. I think I’m in love.  I’ve been here almost a week, and I’m so relaxed. There are people who don’t like it here because they have to wait a long time for the bus or because people are slightly disorganized. But, I have no where to go and no where to be, so I just peacefully wait on people if I need something. I’m 100% okay with it. 

It’s truly amazing how much less you have to worry when you start to embrace minimalism. My house takes 30 minutes to clean. My dishes take 5 minutes to wash. The bus is free. The beach is gorgeous. I’m doing really great. 
I thought I couldn’t live without my iPhone. I thought my arm would literally fall off my body if I didn’t tweet and facebook all day long. 
But it hasn’t. 
It’s still attached.  
I thought I would be crushed to miss out on some daily HGTV shows.
But I’m not crushed.
My heart’s still beating.

Never in my life have I had 6 days in a row where I’ve been happy. Have you? In the past, I consistently had good days and bad, busy days and lazy days. I know there will be trials and tribulations here. I know the hubs will get stressed with school work. I know from time to time, we will argue as all couples do. But that’s okay because a large part of my stress is gone. I don’t need four bedrooms and a white picket fence to be happy. I just need some time to breathe, and I’m so grateful to have it.

All I can say is, you can be Grenadian too.
Just look at the piles of laundry or piles of stuff in your closet, and just let it go. There are some things I would have never dreamed of letting go a few years ago, but I did. I gave away almost everything I owned when I came here. The rest of my earthly belongings are taking up a room upstairs in my in-laws house. That’s it. Just a room. And I probably don’t need half of that stuff either.

I wish I would have done this years ago. All I can say is, if you’re back in the busy rush rush rush of life, don’t wait for a vacation. Don’t wait for something drastic to happen. Just try to enjoy each moment, even if you’re doing something no one likes such as the dishes. If you keep digging, keep purging, and keep living, I have a sneaky suspicion you just might find yourself too.
Just don’t wait six years like I did.

{I am linking up to CentsationalGirl and}

24 responses to “Finding Yourself: I Was In Grenada

  1. Wow, just wow.

    I’ve read some amazing things you have written before, but this was the most powerful.

    I know you’ve been through your share of rough patches. It’s great to see everything working out as I knew it would.

    We SHOULD all find our own Grenadas….

    sage advice from one so young.


  2. Lovely post. I didn’t realize you were so involved in Katrina. That is sad no matter how much or little you were physically affected. And, I’m so happy for you that you’re loving it down there. Can’t wait to hear more about your adventures.

  3. Beautiful, Cat. I am so glad Grenada found you. I really believe Alabama and Tuscaloosa are my Grenada, especially after the tornado. I am rebuilding my life and finding my identity again just like this city. Stronger and better than ever. I am so glad you wrote this post and so glad that everything is well.

  4. This made my heart flutter. I’m so glad that you’re finding peace and contentment in your new home. Thanks for the reminder that stuff is just stuff.

  5. Glad you have found your inner peace!! You’re right, it takes people far too long to realize what can seem so simple from the other side. Lucas and I had this awakening a few years ago (having kids puts you ahead on the learning curve of “letting things go!” 🙂 We get better and better at it every year- this year, we’ve started making our own cleaning products, become nearly completely “green” and resuable, cloth diapering Bonnie, hand washing dishes, line-drying clothes, and overall constantly reorganizing and decreasing clutter. (Being a wee bit OCD helps in that area!) But yes, freeing oneself of burdens starts with literally, freeing the physical burdens. And I so get the “no rush, no place to be thing.” I’m like that daily and it dramatically changes your outlook on life! Also, it makes the concept of people complaining about traffic seem ludicrous, which is highly entertaining. Best wishes and continue to enjoy your new life!! -Danielle

  6. You are a beautiful person and writer, and I am so happy that you are here and that you love it as much as I do. Grenada has so much to offer and it is good for the soul. xoxo

  7. This is a beautiful post. It really spoke to me. The life you’ve found is so beautiful and your perspective is just exactly right. What an incredible blessing to be exactly where you are right now. I really loved this post, Cat!

  8. I found your blog through DIYHomeStagingTips. This was a beautiful post. I moved to England 6 months ago with my hubby and two kids and have been getting used to a slower, less efficient (by American standards), lifestyle. (Think: you go to the camera shop to have your camera serviced and a sign on the door says, “On holiday. Back September 20.” Or running over to the bank, which opens at 10am, closes for an hour at lunch, and shuts down for the day at 4:30. I think Americans would mutiny!) I too have gone minimal. No dryer. Small fridge. Daily grocery shopping. One car. Small flat. Sold 90% of our belongings to move here. But, we are really loving it. Thanks for your post. 🙂 Glad to have found your blog.

  9. I found your blog through Centsational Girl’s link party. As a grandmother who has always had a wanderlust, I’m so impressed that you, at such a young age, are pursuing a dream. You seem to have your act together and I look forward to following your blog. Grenada looks heavenly!

  10. Found you through Centsational Girl’s link party, too! You are truly inspiring- best wishes to you on your journey- you have moved me to ignore the laundry today and go play in the yard with the kids….

  11. Great great post! I love that you lived your life despite Katrina, but have been able to come to turns that what happened was awful and even though some had it worse, you had it bad too. I’m glad Grenada helped you see that.

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