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Prose & Palaver: Introducing Mandy

  September 7

This post may contain affiliate links.

I’m super duper excited to introduce you to my friend, Mandy, because she and I have something special in store for you today!

Isn’t she adorable?

Well, besides being super fun to hang out with, Mandy has an amazingly fabulous vintage clothing shop on Etsy called ProseandPalaver. She is such a wonderful gal and definitely living her dream. It was extremely hard to find a job after she graduated from college, so Mandy decided to forget about pursuing a job in corporate America and risk it all to sell what she loves: all things vintage. Now, I know all my blog readers love a girl who digs through the neighbor’s trash with the best of them, so let’s give her a big virtual hug, shall we? She gets tickled pink when someone comments on her blog like the rest of us, so give her a hip hip horray for all of her mad skills finding these amazing vintage items.

You can also check out her twitter, facebook fan page, blog, and Etsy store all through her main website, which is just such a gorgeous and organized space that really showcases all of her goods.

And, speaking of those fine vintage goods, here are a few of them now:

Now, don’t just take my word for it, because Many has nearly 100 items in her shop that include tons more dresses, purses, adorable earrings, and even some cute vintage postcards.
Now, back to the fun announcement I promised. She is having a BIG SALE this week with several selected items for only $15.00! And, she is being very generous by offering all of BudgetBlonde’s followers An Extra 5% Off! All you have to do is be a follower of my blog and mention it to Mandy in a message at checkout! How’s that for a deal?
If you find something fabulous at ProseAndPalaver, be sure to shoot me an e-mail @ [email protected] and tell me all about it!
{P.S. Mandy did not pay me or perk me in any way to promote her site. I just love the girl and think her shop is just the teeeniest bit fabulous!!}
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